Harald Jarche thinks about how long it takes to achieve PK Mastery and how to support this process. Something we want to do in our new project about Digital Skills.
Was für ein Jahr! Nein, das sage ich nicht jeden Dezember, dieses Jahr war wirklich ein besonderes. Mit vielen Höhen, aber auch Tiefen. Mit ganz viel Gelerntem.
Heute Morgen fand unser 3. WOL Circle statt-ja, wir sind nicht die Schnellsten, aber wir bleiben dran! Und das heutige Thema, Zeitmanagement, passte gerade hervorragend.
At first sight, it does not seem that Personal Knowledge Management has a lot to do with Collaborative intelligence or Social learning. But actually, it has a lot to do with it!
Knowledge management and modern learning have a common ground: interact, exchange and collaborate to learn and advance. To do so, one has to have a supportive network and the ability to formulate one’s aims, ideas and thoughts. Which may not be the case for everybody.
While for a long time KM was very technology-driven, and while this happened in a period technology just started to evolve and mainly delivered tools like databases or first platforms, KM got to something that resembled more information management and was focused on how to transfer this information from one to the other.
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