Die Initiatorin des #histocamps, einem bereits 3 mal durchgeführten Barcamp für Geschichts-Intessierte, hat zwei andere barcamps im Bereich Geschichte besucht und diskutiert, wie weit das Format des barcamps umgesetzt wurde.
Ein kurzer Beitrag und eine schöne Sketchnote über die Essenz von Communities von Tanmay Vora.
Graphik von Jane Hart basierend auf der jährlichen Umfrage zu den meistgenutzten Tools
At first sight, it does not seem that Personal Knowledge Management has a lot to do with Collaborative intelligence or Social learning. But actually, it has a lot to do with it!
When Andreas Wittke, founder of one of the major MOOC platforms in Europe, says „E-learning is dead“, you need to follow this up a bit.
Christopher Pappas is one of the e-learning superstars- he founded the largest online community of e-learning professionals, the eLearning Industry– which makes him one of my very important teachers.
While for a long time KM was very technology-driven, and while this happened in a period technology just started to evolve and mainly delivered tools like databases or first platforms, KM got to something that resembled more information management and was focused on how to transfer this information from one to the other.
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